Namaste in Nepal
Namaste is used for both salutation and valediction in Nepal. It is one of the gentlest and politest form of greeting in Nepal. Namaste is also referred as Namaskar in Nepal. If you do Namaste when you meet someone then it shows your courtesy and respect towards that person. When you meet anyone just say ‘Namaste’ holding your hands together in a prayer position but don’t overzealous your act of doing namaste. It is said and done once in the day when you meet someone and to say goodbye. “Thank you” said with gesture of Namaste is more appreciated and respectful. A place where guest are treated as gods, it is apt that our greeting should be in sync with that dictum.
The Meaning of Namaste
The word Namaste comes from Sanskrit and literally means “ I bow to the divine in you” and is used as a greeting. In Sanskrit, the word is namah (to bow) and te (you), meaning “I bow to you.” In, other words, Namaste means “greetings, salutations, or prostration to you.” So if someone greets to you saying Namaste then they are seeking your blessings. You can respond to them by saying “Sukhino Bhava” which means be happy or “I wish you happiness”. the equivalent word in English for Namaste is Hello.
How to do Namaste
Namaste is more than a word we say, there is a proper way to do Namaste. The proper way to do Namaste is with slight bow and join your palms together, bring it below your chin facing it upwards, thumbs close to the chest. This gesture is called Anjali Mudra or Pranamasana. ‘Namaste’, accompanied with a smile, will take you miles opening many doors and hearts.